ASTM A 213
Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger Tubes
This specification covers seamless ferritic and austeniticsteel boiler, superheater, and heat-exchanger tubes. Grades containing theletter H in their designation have requirements different from those of similargrades not containing the letter H. These different requirements provide highercreep-rupture strength than normally achievable in similar grades without thesedifferent requirements. The tubes shall be made by the seamless process andshall be either hot finished or cold finished, as specified. Grade TP347HFGshall be cold finished. Heat treatment shall be done separately and in additionto heating for hot forming. The ferritic alloy and ferritic stainless steelsshall be reheated. On the other hand, austenitic stainless steel tubes shall befurnished in the heat-treated condition. Alternatively, immediately after hotforming, while the temperature of the tubes is not less than the minimumsolution temperature, tubes may be individually quenched in water or rapidlycooled by other means. Tension test, hardness test, flattening test, andflaring test shall be done to each tube. Also, each tube shall be subjected tothe nondestructive electric test or hydrostatic test.
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