ASTM A 270
Seamless and Welded Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steel Sanitary Tubing
This specification covers grades of seamless, welded, andheavily cold worked austenitic and ferritic/austenitic stainless steel sanitarytubing. Seamless tubes shall be manufactured by a process that does not involvewelding at any stage. Welded tubes shall be made using an automated weldingprocess with no addition of filler metal during the welding process. Heavilycold worked tubes shall be made by applying cold working of not less than 35%reduction of thickness of both wall and weld to a welded tube prior to thefinal anneal. No filler shall be used in making the weld. All material shall befurnished in the heat-treated condition. A chemical analysis of either onelength of flat-rolled stock or one tube shall be made for each heat. Each tubeshall be subjected to mechanical tests like reverse flattening test,hydrostatic test or nondestructive electric test. The following surfacefinishes may be specified: mill finish, mechanically polished surface finish,finish No. 80, finish No. 120, finish No. 180, finish No. 240, electropolishedfinish, and maximum roughness average surface finish. Longitudinally polishedfinish shall be performed on the inside surface only while a circumferentialpolished finish shall be done on either the inside surface, outside surface, orboth.
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