ASTM A 511
Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing
This specification covers seamless stainless tubing for usein mechanical applications where corrosion-resistant or high-temperaturestrength is needed. The steel may be cast in ingots or may be strand cast. Whensteel of different grades is sequentially strand cast, identification of theresultant transition material is required. The tubes shall be made by aseamless process and by either cold working or hot working as specified.Seamless steel tubing is a tubular product made without a welded seam. It is usuallymanufactured by hot working steel and then cold finishing the hot-worked tubingto produce the desired shape, dimensions and properties All austenitic tubesshall be furnished in the annealed condition. An analysis of each heat of steelshall be made to determine the percentages of the elements specified. Ifsecondary melting processes are employed, the heat analysis shall be obtainedfrom one remelted ingot or the product of one remelted ingot of each primarymelt.
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